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Put "Lucky" as your name and a secret message will show up!!



(2 edits) (+5)

this game left an impact on me.

I don't think I'll ever be the same.

I need a minute.

I realized why it left such an impact. It was because it felt like I was talking to a real person. I have been lonely lately, so it means so much.


in the cut ending I put the lamp ending but my favorite ending was definitely the cut ending


made an account just to comment on this beauty, the end reminded me of the undertale ending.I dont know if the game is short or i just enjoyed it that much. Thank you loved the idea and wish you good luck 


sometimes in life there are not enough conversations like in the "real" ending

yeah so when i open the game there comes the windows warning thingy

just ignore it

I loved the game so much that I am happy to do a series on this and get all of the endings

(2 edits)

Fantastic game so far, and I like the dialogue its funny, etc. 10/10 I hope you make more games like this.



i fucking love this game its so earnest and good and legitimately funny its so impressive and honest and good


I just want to tell you, thank you. I am not a game dev, not yet at least, but I am a videomaker and a graphic designer. What you talk about in the "Cut ending" is something that touches me closely, and as much as it may seem trivial, remembering that we should do something we like mainly because we like doing it is a reminder that I should keep more in mind. I’ve been thinking about starting to create video games for a while, and even though I haven’t started yet, the questions are already assaulting me:

"Will I be able to learn?"
"Will I ever be able to create something decent?"
"Will people like what I do?". 

These are questions that have haunted me for a lifetime, and that put me in front of the terror of judgment. Lately, I am learning to manage it and I am trying to go back to doing what I like to do, because first of all I like it. I am trying to put aside the idea of judgment, both internal and external. So thank you for this game, so funny and so wonderful. I loved it and I will always carry a little bit of it in my heart. <3


I really enjoyed this game. The cut ending was so heartwarming. Such a great job man, don't give up on your dreams :)


truly an amazing game. dont fw the israli stuff in the slightest. but over all, from the river to the sea.


free palestine


 Instructions unclear, every time i shout "I LOVE MY ULTRA ADHD" in public theatres, everyone stares at me. 


Truly a amazing game, thanks for this game.


I cried with this game, thanks for all, thanks for this game, and thanks for the final message, Thanks Alon<3


So much of your personality has been put into this game.

יותר מזל משכלל ;)


I tottaly love graphic style, but I bored by reading text シ


silly as fuck /pos
genuinely good game I loved it
may have cried a little at the end


That was a wild trip, an awesome one though, from the town to the cut ending.


peak gaming


This was a neat expirience, the last part was pretty unexpected but also really cool


i cant attack coz im on a mac laptop and you cant right click and then left click at the same time on the trackpad :'(( i was so excited for this game


nvm! i just changed my key binds at the beginning :)


this game is really creative and cool but WHAT THR FUDGE DID I JUST PLAY


the cut ending honestly makes me feel a lot less alone out there. It kinda makes me feel ok if my work doesn't become that big. At the end of the day I just want to inspire others and make them feel what I'm trying to express. Thanks for making this game and I hope you make more, even if its just for yourself.


loved the cut ending, honestly. meant a lot. thank you. you're awesome.


this game SUCKS! cant even get pass the first lvl SMH!!! dont play ver y buged.... like i am FORM THE PLAYING THIS DUMB GAME ADHD SUCKS!!!111

this game was great! i loved it!

but in the last ending, you mention a game called "you wake up in a room" i couldn't find it by searching it but i was interested, do you think you could tell me where to find it?

also, again i loved the game, it's short and sweet, and the self commentary is great and not to intrusive, except of course, when it's commenting on it's self commentary.

and i did really the quick jumping around of game genres was pretty fun!

(2 edits)

Thanks! That game I mentioned is called You Find Yourself in a Room. Heads up, it has many explicit insults directed at the player.



woooo, the images move when i pass the cursor over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


can anyone recommend similar games i loved this


i loved every part of this, you just have to love kinda crappy but still fun and good games this will remain one of my fav games forever.

hello, you can make a update in french also 

(3 edits)

Hi, the game was originally created as I was learning Unity. The code does not support localization in any way and rebuilding it would be very time-consuming for such a small project. Unfortunately what you see is what you get :(


this game is beautiful its a masterpiece, and it can even run on my pc which only has the monitor which is... pretty cool cause most games with these beautiful shaders can't run on my pc so, goodwork to you my man.

oh and... how da heck do u shoot/ attack

Hold right mouse button to raise your weapon, then, while it’s raised, hit the left mouse button


thanks dude

(1 edit) (+6)

epic award worthy game, w o a h..

Here's some pancakes


wow bro im hungry now

This was a great game to play at 1am


fr bro


I'm not a FUCKBOY!!! :((((

El juego es corto pero bueno 8/10

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