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uhhh is this supposed to happen?

Yeah, the game is pretty old and isn’t properly “signed” the way Microsoft likes because I used a free version of the Unity game engine. Feel free to run an antivirus scan on any file if you don’t believe me. To bypass this error, just hit “More Info” and then “Run Anyway”.

thanks, will do!!

fire, actually


OMFG; THIS IS PEAK COMEDY 10/10, I fucking love it. WILL play it again (right now)

ok, it just gets better and better every single time I play it. I got the last ending, and, no spoilers: Its just perfect, beautiful. 12!/10 (with the factorial, yes)




can you make it for Chromebook?


No idea what the dev was smoking when making this, but I want some of that.


I searched for random games for, found a masterpiece. Damn like this shi hits hard, short game about things along with the dev's feeling and stuff, even though its pre-written, it still hits damn hard. Absolute Game.

(also im pretty sure i dont have adhd idk)


quite possibly one of the games ever

short. but fun :D



Hi there Alon, I'm Quentin, it was nice to have a conversation with you! :) Love the game, it hit me where I didn't think it would.

Thank you!


this really ultra'd my adhd


this is the most based game ive ever played
the storyline and lore are on another level of legendary
this game single handedly made my day, good job DancingEngie

I'm not an unreasonable man.. just make things that appeal to my mental disability.


Heres Something to know about me:

If A game feels small, I will 100%, see everything do everything because the games that are small that i do that to, I want the most amount of time in the experience.

I couldn't do  that to this game, Because it was so good. Specifically the cut ending.

I saw what happened when you didn't kill any zombies when you tried to mess with everyone I saw almost EVERY dialoge option.

But for the cut ending? I couldn't do it. The conversation was so real, that doing anything of the sort felt like i would be invalidating the heartfelt message. It felt like doing that would RUIN what made that ending so good. It was to the point, when it ended, i didn't want it to.

Thats the first time a conversation ending was on the other persons terms, I realized what it was like to be on the opposite side of that ending.

I'd say id want an Ultra ADHD 2, but doing that? I think itd ruin this games message. Would RUIN this game because its bullshit, is what makes this game so good. and a second one, would invalidate that bullshit.

If you do make a sequal, don't title it Ultra ADHD 2.


this is the best game ive ever played in my life

seems really fun but i wanted to show my friends on discord and since there wasn't a windowed mode or something my stream kept crashing. i do wish there was a windowed mode. but overall very silly and i do plan to come back and finish it some time soon


love your game man. secret ending really got to me :3 keep up the good work u deserve so much more love in game making 


what the fuck did i just play? it's... deep 

i loved the game keep up the good work and i hope you enjoy the gameplay i laughed alot lol 

(3 edits) (+4)
Flat gameplay, flat story, flat characters (literally), flat endings and very honest. 10/10

10/10 loved the game and the artstyle. Hoping to be able to play more games from Engie >:3


i LOVED IT. love the humor, the 4th wall breaking, the irony, the uniqueness, the art but i also loved how deep it got at some points and i loved learning more about the creator! I LOVE IT. would recommend it to everyone


did anybody else think that we were supposed to press the press thing up top?


the humor hit the place, funny at a time, unique and generally really fun to play with the artstyle and the great 4th wall break sense of humor, highly recommend it and might be one of the most enjoyable game i've ever played


Am I the only one who thought this is a game about ADHD 💀


how many endings are there

Gotta say I loved the game. The Secret ending really hit home for me

I downloaded this game in a instant when i saw a rotary phone. I ended up playing the whole game and getting all the endings. I love the silly nature of the game and it made me happy.

I was looking for a nice game, and i've found a golden one, thanks, Alon, for this masterpice.


DAMN brotha. this is the type of art ive been wanting to make for a long time. especially the SUPER SECRET ENDING. i love the genuineness and it seems like you had a fun time making it. wonderful job, God bless

this was a whole experience and in the end, I will get the other endings but later

loved this gmae!!!!! like LOVED this game honestly didnt want it to end :)

gosh i hatee the shaking effect

sorry its my ocd

The is exactly the sort of avant gard absurd bullshit that I love, well done.

“My fourth wall is going to be so sore after this…” 🤣

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