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Unbelievably fun game, loved it with my whole heart, ears and hands. Added the song to my playlist


I really enjoyed the project, congratulations to everyone involved! I hope this serves as motivation for future projects as promising as this one is.


I just discovered this and it's awesome! Loved the music, style and movements! Keep making stuff

(1 edit)

It was perfect demo, look forward for release. UPD: Wait, that's a whole game? Too short

(2 edits) (+2)

Heh, yeah, sorry about it. The idea was to make an interactive music video game, and that’s what Venus is. I toyed around with the idea of adding a new song/level, but either way it’ll still be a very, very short game. Glad you enjoyed it tho :)

Perfect game! I love the scene when venus switches her gun for roses

wow , i just discovered this but wow i love it


something that i realised while playing the game is that venus is a girl. and we are searching for jupiter... well turns out that in roman religion there are gods, and two of them are "jupiter" and "venus", jupiter is a dude and venus is a girl... is this game shipping two roman gods? or are they a couple in roman religion? idk roman religion is literally greek religion copy and pasted lmao

Nah, Venus is supposed to love Mars but Jupiter is the king

super amazing game!
definitely going to put a few hours into speedrunning it.



Great Game (Wish it was longer)


בחיים לא חשבתי שיבוא היום בו אשחק במשחק שמכיל שיר של אלישע בנאי, אך הנה אנחנו פה
משחק מדהים+שיר מדהים 10/10

(2 edits)

טוב לראות ישראלים בתגובות. במבט לאחור הייתי צריך ליצור הייפ עם התקשורת הגיימרית כדי שזה יגיע לעוד קהל אבל ויתרתי כי לא ביקשתי מאלישע רשות בהתחלה. בסוף שלחתי לו את המשחק והוא מאוד אהב. תודה רבה ושמח שנהנת!



Mirrors Edge as a four minute rock song.

I never knew I needed this until I played it.


Truly wonderful (yet short) game


This Game Is Amazing its very unique and feels very polished


a perfect parkour game

cool and beautiful

it has a unique style which if different to other parkour games

you should try this if you are boring in playing games



I absoluty loved this game!


This game was genuinely AMAZING! One of, if not the best indie games I've played! Everything from the graphical quality, to the soundtrack and sequence triggers, to the movement system and satisfying targeting system! Honestly an example of a perfect indie game! 11/10!

(1 edit) (+2)

Wow, that is a neat game. Really reminded me of how much I love playing Mirrors Edge. One of my favorite games ever. It was fun playing this, didn't run into any bugs either.


Really enjoyed the game! The music was great and the parkour action was non stop! Had an absolute blast! Hope you enjoy the video! 


I couldn't reach the end of the game but I love it


A very nice short, even if the story was a bit minimalistic.

Thank you for this game. I thought it was really special.


good and short game


Best anime intro ever ;) No really great game


Nice game, was quite the experience. Well done!


good game it better than mirror edge

the movement can be a little more smooth maybe

Maybe add more sensitivity to the game, I feel like I can't really look around. Thanks :)

(3 edits)

Is this after modifying your mouse sensitivity in the options menu? If you did and it’s still janky, I’ll increase the maximum slider value.

Yeah I was on max sensitivity, might be my mouse though.

(1 edit)

Hi, just released a patch that expands the sensitivity sliders’ values. Thanks you for your patience and for giving me a heads-up!

(1 edit) (+1)

I love this

 game so much!




היה לי ממש כיף לשחק! מאוד אהבתי את התזוזה וגם את הרגעים שקופצים - זה נותן הרגשה ממש מיוחדת :)

תיקון קטן - fetile --> Fertile בכתוביות

Esta bien perro


I found one more bug that I can fly somehow.

I’m aware of it. I can’t replicate it for the life of me. Even the speedrunner who originally discovered this bug doesn’t know what’s causing it. From what I understand it happens in very specific circumstances that do not hinder casual play. Unless this becomes something truly gamebreaking I’ll let it be, if only for speedruns :)

I have found that the mechanics of that glitch is similar to jumping while crouched (but I'm not sure if that's what causes it) and I have done it twice in two very different circumstances. But in general the game has a lot of bugs but it makes it even more fun to play and speedrun :)


game feels amazing to play, and amazing-er to speedrun.


Thank you very much for playing, O, חשמאלי סמכותי


This game was very good. I loved the art style, the music, the gameplay itself, everything. Definitely recommend.


A wild and stylish experience with punk rock attitude and a romantic heart beating loud and fast. Loved it!


I'm in love with the art style and the mechanics of this game! Hope you make more like it!

(1 edit) (+1)

good work! great game


I gotta hand it to you Engie, this is a great game. With the subtle planet sightseeing reference at the window at the beginning referencing the game's title, to the overall blazing fast mechanics of the game itself, everything works together so neatly and creatively into a short and sweet package of fun. I didn't see the speedrun mode in my video, but I will surely try it on my own time! Anyways, whoever is reading this, have a good day. 

(1 edit) (+1)

this game was short and sweet, and so fun! i enjoyed the mechanics and it was generally beautiful to look at. unfortunately i never saw the speedrun mechanic pop up after my playthrough, but the community there is awesome too!


great game! i saw that it had a link and as a result this is the first game i've somewhat seriously speedran :) keep it up dawg the movement feels great when you can maintain a lot of speed

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